Saturday, 5 September 2009


Or Patience really is a virtue.

Transitions are never easy.

Being home, and still not having things sorted out is of the most frustrating things I've undergone recently. And it is not for lack of trying!

How is one to find a job when there are none advertised? And then getting around...let's not even go there.

At a time, as little as a week ago, it seemed as though things were looking up, at least a little bit. But alas, things don't always go the way you want them it's back to waiting.

Many people I've spoken to have said once you go back home after having been abroad it will never be the same and of course, it's not.

Not only because I've never really lived at home for the last however long, or because everyone is already sorted out and I am presently where they where a few years ago, but because I now have to get used to a whole new system.

Who would've thought that coming home will take getting used to - but it does.

I've been told so many things by friends and family, but I really don't think anyone realises how tough it truly is. Most of what's been told to me I already know and have already done and my hands are tied until something happens in response....response time is s.l.o.w!

Too slow!

And I need plenty of patience to deal with this transition period that looks like it's going to be last a whole lot longer than I hoped or expected!

(and let's not talk about the itchy feet to get up and go somewhere and do something...but, really can't afford to at present! frustrating!)

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