Saturday 23 May 2009

My least favourite activity


I really do wish that I could be like Potter, wave a wand and get me and all my crap wherever I want to be in an instant!

Oh, the worrying about luggage being within weight restrictions, no trying to figure out how you're going to cope with stairs on your own, or peak human traffic...

Alas, teleportation is not to be.

I moan constantly whenever it is I have to pack - with all the packing I've had to do over the years you would think I'd have it done and dusted by now...uh, no!

A few days ago I undertook what will be my last proper pack for a while (sans complaints - travel bliss trumps the pain of packing)...half my life fits in a box and the other half in my backpack (ok, and daypack and skate bag :p).

The box is being shipped, the backpack comes with me... I really thought I was so good this time.

Minimising unnecessaries, even throwing away things (being a hoarder - it was surprisingly liberating to just get rid of junk!) and it was going well...until the electronics and toiletries!

It is at times like these when being a chick is just a pain!

We have nearly double the amount of toiletries a guy will ever need (uh, without taking metrosexualism to the extreme) and these things take up space!

Damn it.

And no, being dirty and stinky is not an option!

So it will be carried, and bulk up my backpack and make l'il ol' me look like a packhorse!

The only consolation - with time these things get used up so will get lighter.

And I only have to get my pack from the coach to my accommodation, dump it and then go be tourist!

Anyway, I'm not taking the blame...summer in England has not been summer! Being cold and getting wet - again, not an option!

One very good thing, despite looking like a pack horse - it's within flight restrictions (ridiculous might i add) weight limitation.

So...onward to travel bliss.

First stop: Cymru

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